AmazonPPC Audit Tool Case Study

About AmazonPPC

AmazonPPC is a marketing agency that helps Amazon sellers maximize their returns on advertising campaigns. They tailor ad campaigns to specific business goals and use their industry leading expertise to show concrete results by increasing profits.

They came to me with a specific goal in mind: create a tool to automatically audit a potential customer’s sales data and decide whether they meet the criteria for being a client with AmazonPPC. With so many people and businesses selling on Amazon, focusing time and energy on clients who have enough revenue to see a real difference from the efficiency gains of an improved ad campaign is import for the success of both AmazonPPC and their clients.

During a discovery call with the managing director of AmazonPPC, we defined a clear outline of the features required for the system’s MVP. As this audit tool would need to be implemented into the company’s existing website, adjusting data flow to comply with their website platform, Webflow, was required. We decided on a time frame of 1 week for completion of the project.


  • Automate the screening process for potential clients with a free audit tool
  • Discover trends in future client’s sales data for opportunities of improvement

Technical Specs

The entire project was custom coded as a REST API

  • Node.js
  • JavaScript
  • TypeScript
  • API database integration


As the sole developer, I was responsible for the entire process of creating this audit tool: planning, design, back-end development, database design, implementation as well as dev-ops.

Project Outcome

This audit tool is currently running live on AmazonPPC’s website and has been working great for them for the past couple months.