As easy as it is writing in Notion, I want a blogging platform so that I can show off the stuff that I build. Lots of people on Reddit have talked about how having a blog to document what you do with your homelab can actually be better than having a certificate for IT. It could help get a job.

I also realized the power of having a blog for writing a post of certain topics that were hard to solve or took a lot of research to do. If I had done this for programming, I probably would have saved a lot of time. I could have just gone back to the blog posts I made and see exactly how I solved a particular issue.

Blogging Platforms

I want to self-host the blog on my own domain. No Twitter, no medium, no Some options I can find are:

  • Blot → Super minimal, all posts written in markup and stored in a folder in Dropbox. $4 per month
  • → A little bit overkill. I also hate the theming
  • Hugo → This looks like the way to go for me
  • Notion → I would really like to use this but Its not as pretty to have a notion link as my blog domain. there are some services available to make a website from a notion page but they cost around $15 per month. But I may want to come back to this in the future because the drag-and-drop interface is wonderful.


I followed this guide for the installation instructions.

This is the theme I chose. There are more to go through here.

All posts are written in markup. I push all the updates to Github. Perferably a script auto deploys the files to a static Nginx web server.